KATRIBU Kalipunan ng Katutubong Mamamayan ng Pilipinas National Convener and International Land Coalition Asia - Asia Steering Committee member Beverly Sakongan L. Longid during the closing of Asia Day at the #AsiaLandForum2025 in Jakarta, Indonesia:
"On behalf of the Asia Steering Committee, I extend our deepest gratitude to each of you for making Day 2 of the 2025 Asia Land Forum so powerful and transformative. A round of applause to all of us!
Today, we reaffirmed that our struggles for land, rights, and self-determination across Asia are deeply interconnected. From Indigenous communities defending their ancestral territories to peasants, fisherfolks, and pastoralists, including women and the youth, resisting land grabbing and corporate greed.
We declared that land is not just a resource. It is life itself. It shapes our identity, upholds our dignity, and sustains our future. But we are also reminded that despite legal protections, many communities continue to face threats of militarization, criminalization, displacement, and violent repression. These injustices demand not just our attention but our unwavering solidarity and resistance.
Let today's discussions, learnings, commitments, and shared aspirations ignite action beyond the minutes and documentation of the 2025 Asia Land Forum. We must turn these into bolder steps, stronger organizations and alliances, and greater victories.
As we move forward, let us amplify our voices, strengthen our movements, and deepen our unity. Our fight for land is a fight for justice. Our fight for land is a fight for our peoples, our cultures, and our planet's future.
Together, we resist! Together, we reclaim!
Together, we will win a just, sustainable, and equitable future for all!
Terima kasih. See you in the struggle ahead!"